Friday, 12 May 2017

#1 method to achieve Employee Centricity and Customer Centricity

Leadership has always been fond of talking on centricity - most often Customer centricity followed by Employee centricity. Every leader wants to hold his flag high enough for the world to see that he has customer centric team in a employee centric organization

One can find immense literature on how, why, what and what not on both aspects. You can even find comparisons between both or how one leads to another.
However since the origin of these term the #1 method to achieve still is to: LISTEN
Yes, Listen..the "Act NoW to Listen" and "Listen NoW to Act" is the only secret sauce to be the front runner on roads of everlasting success.

For Customer Centricity:

Listen to your customer who buys the product, listen to actual end user using the product, listen to people who are using the outcome from your product, listen to field or sales, listen to the support, listen to quality assurance, listen to engineering, designers and everyone who has built the product or is ever going to use it.
Ask them to show you how the product has returned hours to their life? Yes, returning hours to life - is only outcome of any successful product or service. - We will definitely talk about it in next article.

For Employee Centricity:

Listen to your employees - every one of them , everyday - FTE, Non Payroll workers, Short term employees, teleworkers, employees who step into office every single day in thunder, showers or rain..employees who are working from far lands or across the ocean, whom you may never meet or see.

Listen to all of them - 'coz everyday they bid goodbye to family and kids to come to work. All the extra hours beyond the call of duty to build a successful product or service comes from the same 24 hour rolling window.
It never matters whether the employee is sitting in some small cube at branch office in India or headquarters in US or Europe. They all must have access and entitlement to exact same facilities, exact same policies, benefits, accreditations and applause.

What to Listen?

Listen to small humming sounds coming from employees about - cafeteria, conference rooms, temperature in the cube, transportation worries - issues with these will brutally delete effective hours and engagement.

Listen to small humming sounds coming from customers about - logout, faint text - which cannot be read, too many clicks, ineffective upgrades or frequent patches - issue with these will brutally delete reputation and respect.

There are numerous tools for outreach, But nothing is comparable to picking up the phone and listening.

So pick up phone and don't be shy to..

Ask your customer - how is it going? Has the product or service returned some hours to his life back ?

Ask you employee - how is it going? Has the facilities or policies returned some hours to his life back?
Remember: Everyone on the planet is granted 24 hours everyday and none of us can create 25th hour. 

Listen and Act

Act and then Listen again...

More about Act in next article, till then "Learn to Listen."

You can follow me on twitter: @hirdug

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