Wednesday, 25 April 2012

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link

I was searching and battling with my thoughts to find what should be the very first post to launch this blog. Just like everybody else, I also wanted something sensational, something thoughtful, disruptive...this and many thoughts to collate with so high expectations from first post.

and then finally, it came as lightening, why should it be a complex post full of confusing management jargon, why can't it be plain and simple truth.

Yes, the truth - that is where all the universe shrank to this simple thought - what are organizations made of..what is it that work space compose of. ? Answer: It's the people, it's the team, it's the leadership.

The chain of command as we call it. Now the obvious question raises his head - where lies the strength in chain of command ?

Answer: In the weakest link

Yes, folks, no matter how complex you want it, the answer is simple - A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

What is it to do now ? Invest to strengthen the weakest link.

Identify the links, measure the strength on links on parameter of attitude, aptitude and altitude.Invest to raise the bar for each link, support them and if there is nothing which brings the desired result - be ready to replace the weakest link.

Repeat the iteration and keep strengthening the links to establish wonderful Chain of Command.